Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ardyss vs Obesity

-About one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese.
-Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. [Data from the National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES)]


Find out what Ardyss is doing to reduce the alarming numbers in America.
Obesity has grown from a social image problem to a public health control of which has a lot to do with education and dietary habits acquired in childhood in the family. Obesity happens when the intake of calories is greater than the amount of energy burnt. Facts show that obesity is caused by genetic assumption, the regime of nutrition, the physical activity, psychological and other factors – altogether or individually can influence obesity.


Often typical for whole families, genetics is a big reason for members to become obese. But this also means that the key on how each member can deal with obesity is individuality. Many people with obese family members become prone to obesity , but never become too fat, or they manage to lose weight and to keep their weight in norm because of a healthy lifestyle.
“My family is obese, I realize that if I keep the same style of life of my family, I’ll sink. This country has all the comfort for you to be fat, but something they’ll never going to offer is health. Ardyss does it, it offers health through its products. “Jessica Soto, Ardyss Int.  Distributor and Weight Loss Contestant.

Ardyss recovering smiles and healthier bodies.

Ardyss, a company with more than 20 years dedicated to providing wellness and health of thousands of people have decided to contribute to lessen this problem. The challenge, 30 people aged between 20 and 60 years of age, all overweight and with a common goal: Recover their health and their figures.
The Ardyss Weight Loss Program is focused on changing nutritional habits and lifestyle of these people. For 3 months this group will receive nutritional counseling and supervision by a group of professionals, the goal: to make these people change their habits and their lives, allowing them to recover their health, figure and to be an example for their family and friends.

“In one week I went down 3 pounds and I lost several inches off my waist, it keeps me very motivated, I want to show small but lasting changes in addition to the Ardyss products, other than that I am nourishing my body, I feel very energetic” Jessica Soto.Each member of the family always has a choice; to fight obesity or be lazy about it and just sleep and eat all day. There is always a choice. The member who sleeps and eats all day may suffer from problems regarding health in the long run. But the family member who goes on the treadmill an hour a day and follows a guide for weight management leads a less stressful and healthier life.

“If you decide to die fat, it’s your choice, but if you want the opportunity to improve and stay healthy then Ardyss is the best option. When you decide to tackle the problem, and accept it,  you already  won 50% of the battle against obesity. “Rosy Mercado, Ardyss International  Nutritional Advisory

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