Thursday, January 12, 2012

Luis Sullca Salinas Diamond President from Lima, Peru. My last check was for $19,000 USD for just one month !



I started Ardyss International at the moment I need it the most, everything was upside down in my life, debts, family problems, and everybody had stopped believing in me even my wife because I wasn’t bring home results. I was in another multilevel company for 14 years where I gave them 100%, but with all the work I was doing, I only made between $2,000 and $4,000 Dollars per month. This was enough to live with, and at home I was having arguments with my wife every day.
One day Ardyss arrived to my life, it was brought to me by a good friend Omar Herbozo, who taught me everything he knew, I applied everything he taught me and the results started to show… Oh my God!.  I started December 17th, 2010 with hope in my mind and heart.  When I saw the Compensation Plan for the first time I said to myself… will they really pay that much? Now it will be a year in Ardyss and I remember my first pay was $7,500 USD and I couldn’t believe it.
I was jumping and shouting, in the 14 years I spent in the other company I never received that much.  A month ago I was a DIRECTOR, I got into the Back Office and saw I was almost PRESIDENT, continued working and got to my BO again and there it was I had the enough points to be an Executive President… wow… and two days before the closure of that month I was DIAMOND PRESIDENT!.  My current rank is DIAMOND and my last check was for $19,000 USD for just one month.
I’ve got an amazing 3,500 people in my down-line, paid all my debts and my family now is really united, I have 5 children four of them came into the business except for the youngest she is 5… but she will in the future, my self-esteem is awesome. I have been travelling a lot, and In March I will be in Extravaganza excited to walk across stage. I am so thankful for what had happened to me, first God, and also to Mr. Antonio Diaz de Leon, his wife Mrs. Armida, his sons and all his family and for the human quality they represent.

I can proudly say: ‘An appointment with Ardyss will change your life”.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

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