Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Platinum President in Ardyss: Bernadette and Ian Selby-Lee


I became an Ardyss distributor in August 2009 when my best friends Pattian and Michael Bartley tried relentless to get me involved in the business because they knew that this would be a life changing investment.   As a full time Finance Executive at a NYC hospital working 12 hour shifts, I thought that it would be impossible for me to do any other business.  However, in spite of all the rejections they endured, thank God they were persistent as I finally made the decision and took the challenge.
Working Ardyss Part Time, I became President in 3 short months, Executive in 6 months.  However, after building a team internationally with over 7,000 distributors, as with any other Multi level marketing company, many left or went to sleep as for several months things went down.  However, I was stead fast and God’s blessings, my passion to help others and the awesome results from using the products; I stayed focus on my goal, consistent in sharing the products and rebuilding my pipeline.  Thanks to my Platinum Presidents Nicola & Robert Jackson and Lakeisha Marion for their guidance, the hard working teams under the leadership of Pastor John, my son Kadeem Lee who also this month became President at the age of 20yrs, and other team members all over the world, who has given me the honor and pleasure in December 2011 of becoming the first New York/Brooklyn Platinum President because I believed and have finally achieved.
As a wife & mother of two I believe God has truly blessed me with this opportunity as I am now able to live the Ardyss life of Faith, Family and Lifestyle, because an appointment with Ardyss has changed my life.  I am so proud that Brooklyn is able to continue to put Ardyss on the success map with all the leaders we continue to produce. Team work has certainly made the dream work.

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