Monday, January 23, 2012

Ardyss begins the year delivering big checks.

On Saturday January 21st we welcomed our new Platinums Presidents Pattian & Michael Bartley and Bernardette Selbyto the city of Las Vegas who received directly from the hands of our founders Antonio Diaz de Leon and his wife Armida Diaz de Leon Fonseca their amazing checks for the month of January .
Our Platinums pledged to continue working hard to continue to reap 6 figure checks and get their teams to reach the top!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ardyss Products



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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ardyss vs Obesity

-About one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese.
-Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. [Data from the National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES)]


Find out what Ardyss is doing to reduce the alarming numbers in America.
Obesity has grown from a social image problem to a public health control of which has a lot to do with education and dietary habits acquired in childhood in the family. Obesity happens when the intake of calories is greater than the amount of energy burnt. Facts show that obesity is caused by genetic assumption, the regime of nutrition, the physical activity, psychological and other factors – altogether or individually can influence obesity.


Often typical for whole families, genetics is a big reason for members to become obese. But this also means that the key on how each member can deal with obesity is individuality. Many people with obese family members become prone to obesity , but never become too fat, or they manage to lose weight and to keep their weight in norm because of a healthy lifestyle.
“My family is obese, I realize that if I keep the same style of life of my family, I’ll sink. This country has all the comfort for you to be fat, but something they’ll never going to offer is health. Ardyss does it, it offers health through its products. “Jessica Soto, Ardyss Int.  Distributor and Weight Loss Contestant.

Ardyss recovering smiles and healthier bodies.

Ardyss, a company with more than 20 years dedicated to providing wellness and health of thousands of people have decided to contribute to lessen this problem. The challenge, 30 people aged between 20 and 60 years of age, all overweight and with a common goal: Recover their health and their figures.
The Ardyss Weight Loss Program is focused on changing nutritional habits and lifestyle of these people. For 3 months this group will receive nutritional counseling and supervision by a group of professionals, the goal: to make these people change their habits and their lives, allowing them to recover their health, figure and to be an example for their family and friends.

“In one week I went down 3 pounds and I lost several inches off my waist, it keeps me very motivated, I want to show small but lasting changes in addition to the Ardyss products, other than that I am nourishing my body, I feel very energetic” Jessica Soto.Each member of the family always has a choice; to fight obesity or be lazy about it and just sleep and eat all day. There is always a choice. The member who sleeps and eats all day may suffer from problems regarding health in the long run. But the family member who goes on the treadmill an hour a day and follows a guide for weight management leads a less stressful and healthier life.

“If you decide to die fat, it’s your choice, but if you want the opportunity to improve and stay healthy then Ardyss is the best option. When you decide to tackle the problem, and accept it,  you already  won 50% of the battle against obesity. “Rosy Mercado, Ardyss International  Nutritional Advisory

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Know Noe Herrera, he earned $144,000 last month ! BUSINESS |

Get out of Debt and into Financial Success.  You can earn up to $144,000 in just one month too!
Meet Noe Herrera, an Ardyss Distributor that left many financial difficulties behind and now earned $144,000 in his last pay check.


Luis Sullca Salinas Diamond President from Lima, Peru. My last check was for $19,000 USD for just one month !



I started Ardyss International at the moment I need it the most, everything was upside down in my life, debts, family problems, and everybody had stopped believing in me even my wife because I wasn’t bring home results. I was in another multilevel company for 14 years where I gave them 100%, but with all the work I was doing, I only made between $2,000 and $4,000 Dollars per month. This was enough to live with, and at home I was having arguments with my wife every day.
One day Ardyss arrived to my life, it was brought to me by a good friend Omar Herbozo, who taught me everything he knew, I applied everything he taught me and the results started to show… Oh my God!.  I started December 17th, 2010 with hope in my mind and heart.  When I saw the Compensation Plan for the first time I said to myself… will they really pay that much? Now it will be a year in Ardyss and I remember my first pay was $7,500 USD and I couldn’t believe it.
I was jumping and shouting, in the 14 years I spent in the other company I never received that much.  A month ago I was a DIRECTOR, I got into the Back Office and saw I was almost PRESIDENT, continued working and got to my BO again and there it was I had the enough points to be an Executive President… wow… and two days before the closure of that month I was DIAMOND PRESIDENT!.  My current rank is DIAMOND and my last check was for $19,000 USD for just one month.
I’ve got an amazing 3,500 people in my down-line, paid all my debts and my family now is really united, I have 5 children four of them came into the business except for the youngest she is 5… but she will in the future, my self-esteem is awesome. I have been travelling a lot, and In March I will be in Extravaganza excited to walk across stage. I am so thankful for what had happened to me, first God, and also to Mr. Antonio Diaz de Leon, his wife Mrs. Armida, his sons and all his family and for the human quality they represent.

I can proudly say: ‘An appointment with Ardyss will change your life”.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

New Platinum President in Ardyss: Bernadette and Ian Selby-Lee


I became an Ardyss distributor in August 2009 when my best friends Pattian and Michael Bartley tried relentless to get me involved in the business because they knew that this would be a life changing investment.   As a full time Finance Executive at a NYC hospital working 12 hour shifts, I thought that it would be impossible for me to do any other business.  However, in spite of all the rejections they endured, thank God they were persistent as I finally made the decision and took the challenge.
Working Ardyss Part Time, I became President in 3 short months, Executive in 6 months.  However, after building a team internationally with over 7,000 distributors, as with any other Multi level marketing company, many left or went to sleep as for several months things went down.  However, I was stead fast and God’s blessings, my passion to help others and the awesome results from using the products; I stayed focus on my goal, consistent in sharing the products and rebuilding my pipeline.  Thanks to my Platinum Presidents Nicola & Robert Jackson and Lakeisha Marion for their guidance, the hard working teams under the leadership of Pastor John, my son Kadeem Lee who also this month became President at the age of 20yrs, and other team members all over the world, who has given me the honor and pleasure in December 2011 of becoming the first New York/Brooklyn Platinum President because I believed and have finally achieved.
As a wife & mother of two I believe God has truly blessed me with this opportunity as I am now able to live the Ardyss life of Faith, Family and Lifestyle, because an appointment with Ardyss has changed my life.  I am so proud that Brooklyn is able to continue to put Ardyss on the success map with all the leaders we continue to produce. Team work has certainly made the dream work.

New Platinum Presidents in Ardyss: Pattian and Michael Bartley

Pattian and Michael Bartley
Resides in West Palm Beach, Florida and have raised four wonderful children: George, Sabina-Ann,
Deanna and Michael Jr. Prior to Ardyss International, we were actively involved in Real Estate.
As the market and economy took a downturn we were in search of better investments and were
introduced to Ardyss in May 2009. Within two months we tripled our investments and became President
in October of 2009. In December of 2011 we achieved our goal of Platinum Presidents. We owe
everything in our lives to God and we honor Him for blessing us with Ardyss International in
a time when we really needed a solid investment. We are enjoying every aspect of this business
while continuing to travel to different states and coun-tries to support our team in reaching their goals.
We would like to thank our family, friends, and our Ardyss Team for their support and
motivation every step of the way. It is an exciting journey lets continue over the top!

I lost 20 pounds in 30 days using my Ardyss Products

Health |

Hello my name is Luz Elena Alarcón, and I want to share my testimony with my treatment for weight loss.  I began on March 21st taking 1 capsule of AM SLIM half an hour before breakfast and at night half an before dinner, I also used the Nutrishake replacing one meal a day.  When I started my weight was 194 lbs, by April 21st my weight was 20 pounds less.I’m very happy because any other treatment for weight loss had worked for me, I feel that my metabolism has improved a lot, and the best of all, I have no discomfort.  I fell enthusiastic during the whole day.
An appointment with Ardyss changed my life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tabitha King on Bloggers

Tabitha King on Bloggers

Do you know that 5 people can change your entire life..WOW that is amazing. Someone once said “Ask me how” –Don Failla he is an amazing man a RICH amazing man I shall say. I have read many books but it’s his book “The 45 second presentation” that always keeps me going this is a WEALTHY man that is the CREATER of NETWORK MARKETING he tought me so much, this is also a man that as of today has over 800,000.00 people on his team! WOW now that is the team I look forward to having in the next 5 years if not sooner at the rate I'm going . He started off with only 4 of his friends and his friends grabbed 4 each of their friends and it continued on and on and on. Do you realize that everyone on his team is making if not 6 figures a years over 6 figures; some in even a month now tell me that’s not RESIDAUL INCOME! Network Marketing is NOT about recruiting thousands of people, breaking your neck to only be turned away. If network marketers only knew how easy it is! Till next time…….